What is the benefit of selling goods in digiflazz?
1. You will get additional benefit without the need to add more sales, because the buyer themselves will be looking for you in Digiflazz.
2. You will not require to schedule an integration process with all of buyers, because buyers will connect to Digiflazz. You only need to do one time integration to Digiflazz and all of buyers will be able to connect to you.
3. You will not be bothered by creating a lot of users in your software or system.
4. Every transaction will be recorded realtime and will be available to download in a format which will ease your finance team to create sales report -
What is Seller balance?
Seller balance is the amount of money which is obtained from the total price of buyer transaction deducted by Digiflazz fee. You can request a settlement from seller balance 1 day after the transaction is success with a valid Serial Number.
Can i use my in-house software / system to sell in Digiflazz?
Yes, we are currently supporting API JSON structure for you who own an in-house software / platform beside jabber. You will be able to integrate by yourself by following our technical documentation from HERE.